Kundalini Yoga
Glendale, CA
Welcome to
Kundalini Yoga
with Yogi Arvindpal
What is Kundalini Yoga?
Kundalini Yoga is a technology for inner energy. It is a practical means to generate the inner energy needed to survive and excel under pressure. In short, Kundalini Yoga is the technology of awareness. Learn more about this powerful technology.
Who is Yogi Arvindpal?
Armen Mardirousi began practicing Kundalini Yoga in 2013 and has been teaching this technology since 2017. He was blessed with the spiritual name, Arvindpal Singh shortly after he started his personal journey into Kundalini Yoga. Read more about the teacher.
Experience it for Yourself!
You can read about Kundalini Yoga all you want or listen to others talk about it until they turn blue in the face. But if you want to experience this powerful technology for yourself, you need to practice it. Sign up for a class and see what it’s all about!